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Cooperative climate initiative tracking

Cooperative Climate Initiatives (CCIs) are coordinated efforts by multiple stakeholders (including non-State and/or governmental actors), collaborating to achieve a clearly defined climate goal. Non-State actors include cities, regions, businesses, investors, and other organizations such as academic institutions and research bodies. These actors may act as secretariats or lead organizations for a CCI or be participants committed to the CCI’s climate goals. The Global Climate Action Portal (GCAP), through its CCI tracking component, recognizes and tracks a wealth of CCIs: presenting their profile, recognizing their actions, showcasing best practices, and tracking their progress.

CCIs are categorized as focusing on climate mitigation (directly or indirectly reducing greenhouse gases), climate adaptation and resilience (directly or indirectly fostering adaptation to the impacts of climate change) or a mix of both. Efforts take the form including forging coalitions, alliances, and networks; developing declarations, platforms, hubs or innovative solutions; producing and disseminating knowledge through publications and physical events; setting norms and standards; implementing local projects; establishing monitoring arrangements; training and building capacity; running awareness campaigns; lobbying governments; and creating new products or services.

Recognition and progress tracking

CCIs can be recognized in GCAP through engaging in GCAP’s CCI recognition and progress tracking process operated by UN Climate Change. This includes its annual progress update survey and UN Climate Change’s identification of potential CCIs. Currently, CCIs recognized in GCAP are expected to 1) have clearly stated climate-related goal(s); 2) have some mechanism for monitoring progress toward that goal; 3) take a multi-stakeholder approach to achieving its goal; and 4) be able to provide contact information for the general public and reporting to GCAP (these do not have to be the same). UN Climate Change is working on further ways to define and classify initiatives.

Progress update process, currently conducted through UN Climate Change’s online survey, is one of the vital components of this component to keep the information of CCIs up to date. In 2021, working with various organizations, GCAP has introduced its progress tracking framework to enhance this purpose.

Please note: The information presented here is based on 'as-reported' contributions provided by the initiatives and data partners and does not necessarily reflect the views or bear the endorsement of the UNFCCC Secretariat.


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